- Building and configuring OpenCV in Visual Studio 2015 with source code mapping
- C++ class for easy parallelization of for loops
- Project references in Visual Studio and C++
- Compile qt's db2 sqldriver (QDB2)
Computer Vision
- Introduction to the Hessian feature detector for finding blobs in an image
- Introduction to convolution with link to filters in computer vision
- Scale invariance through Gaussian scale space
- Define a new environment for different page numbering styles in LaTeX
- Triangular system of linear equations in LaTeX
Neural Networks
- Introduction to neural network optimizers [part 3] – Adam optimizer
- Introduction to neural network optimizers [part 2] – adaptive learning rates (RMSProp, AdaGrad)
- Introduction to neural network optimizers [part 1] – momentum optimization
- Buffer vs. image performance for applying filters to an image pyramid in OpenCL
- Performance evaluation of image convolution with gradient filters in OpenCL
- Addressing mode of sampler objects for image types in OpenCL reviewed
- CSS lightbox without JavaScript realized with a hidden input element
- Automatic footnote generation with jQuery
- Estimate eigenvalues with the Gershgorin circle theorem
- Intersection area of two circles with implementation in C++
- Representation of a line in the polar coordinate system
Differential Equations
- Conductivity matrix for isotropic diffusion problems in FED
- Introduction to Fast Explicit Diffusion (FED)
- Solving a homogeneous ODE by first-order substitution methods
- Introduction to kernel density estimation (Parzen window method)
- Standardisierung einer Zufallsvariablen
- Animationen mit Hilfe von After Effects erstellen
- Texturen in Photoshop per Skript automatisiert auf unterschiedlichen Systemen erzeugen
- Statische Klassen als Hilfsmittel zur zentralen Datenspeicherung
- Kompilierungszeit mit Hilfe eines Multicorebuild verringern
- Boost-Graphen mit Hilfe von Graphviz anzeigen
- Kompilierungszeit mit Hilfe eines precompiled header (PCH) deutlich verringern
- Statische Codeanalyse in Visual Studio mit Cppcheck
- Über öffentliche Termine im Google Kalender benachrichtigt werden
- Informationen zur Versionsverwaltung